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Geotalk: "Boko Haram"
[GEOTALK] Boko Haram
GMN Stemming Boko Haram
See What Nigerians Are going through. (Boko Haram)
Panel 10 - “Why They Joined” Extremist Groups: ISIS, Boko Haram and al-Shabaab
Radicalisation in Nigeria: getting to know Boko Haram
Marc Antoine Pérouse de Montclos on the history of Jihad in Sub Saharan Africa
[GEOTALK] Situation in Somalia
"L'Islam d'Afrique. Au delà du djihad" de Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos - Éditions Vendémiaire
The Eternal Fight: America vs. Terrorism ; Terrorism vs. America
Somalia Diaspora Community
A way out of al-Shabaab